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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Pianificazione e progettazione per la sostenibilità urbana e territoriale

Enrollment Requirements


To be admitted to the course of study you must have a university degree or three-year university degree or other qualification obtained abroad and estimated suitable. Before enrollment must be checked the possession of the curricular requirements and verified the adequacy of personal preparation, according to the procedures specified below.

The curricular requirements for enrollment without formative debs are automatically satisfied if you have a Degree in Class 7 "Pianificazione Territoriale, Urbanistica e Ambientale" (DM 509/99) or in Class L-21 "Scienze della Pianificazione Territoriale, Urbanistica, Paesaggistica e Ambientale" (DM 270/04).


For access with different qualifications from those mentioned above, the curricular requirements are defined by 50 total CFU. Theese must be acquired in disciplinary areas consistent with the training path, or related to the methodologies and techniques of urban and territorial planning, methods and instruments of urban and territorial policies, design and tools for representing the city and of the landscape, to the historical and geographical knowledge of the territory and of the settlements, to the agricultural and forest sciences, as well as to the basic knowledge of natural, environmental and territorial resources.


In particular, the primary reference SSD for the recognition of qualifying CFU are identified as follows:

  • ICAR/20 and/or ICAR/21;
  • ICAR/18 or in other historical courses judged to be equivalent and based on the programs actually followed;
  • ICAR/06 and/or ICAR/17 or in other teachings  of ​​design and representation judged to be equivalent and based on the programs actually followed;
  • AGR/01 or AGR/05 or GEO/04 or GEO/05 or in other courses of agricultural or geological disciplines judged to be equivalent in according to the programs actually followed.
The Transfer and Passage Commission reserves the right to evaluate the CFU acquired by the candidates in other SSD, however, consistent with the disciplinary areas indicated in the law and with the training objectives of the MA Degree Course.
The above credits must be obtained before enrollment.
Following the application for authorization to be registered by the candidate, the Transfer and Passage Commission will verify the existence of the aforementioned requirements and indicate any training debits and courses to be followed.
Finally, as a requirement of access, as established by the educational objectives of the degree class, the ability to fluently use, in written and oral form, at least English or another language of the European Union beyond Italian, is required. reference also to national and international disciplinary vocabularies. The verification of this competence will be carried out according to the procedures set out in art. 6 of this regulation.

For foreign students, is required the knowledge of Italian language with certified level B2.


last update: 09-Apr-2018
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