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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Pianificazione e progettazione per la sostenibilità urbana e territoriale

Entry to the Course





Methods and deadlines for registrations

to matriculate you need:

  1. Apply for authorization by completing the "Domanda di valutazione per l'immatricolazione ai corsi di laurea magistrale - italian language" (link)  
    Foreign students must attach a portfolio, transcript exams and study programs.
  2. Sand an email to whit the application form completed of:
    • naming of exams
    • ssd (disciplinary scientific sector, eg ICAR/14)
    • CFU
    • exam date
    • Rating (in thirtieths)
      The application for evaluation will be submitted to the Teaching Commission and the authorization will be sand by email.
  3. After the authorization the student can proceed eith the matriculation through the offices in the Student Secretariat in via Gino Capponi 9 a Firenze.


There are no deadlines for the submission of the application for assessment, if not those compatible with the issue of the permit valid for registration.


Student secretariat

via Gino Capponi 9, 50121 Firenze 
e-mail: architet at 
fax 055 2756707 

  • monday, wednesday, friday: time 9.00 am -1.00 pm
  • tuesday, thursday: time 3.00 pm - 4.30 pm


It is possible to book a reservation number using the APP Qurami and  selecting the secretariat where you want to go (more information)

Outside the opening hours, it is possible to book an individual appointment by sending a message to the e-mail address. 



  • For information on transfers from other degree courses contact the delegate for guidance and tutoring:



    Tutor of the Degree Course for disable students:


    ITC Office:





Useful Links




For information on enrollment to the course


Student Secretary

via Gino Capponi 9, 50121 Firenze
fax 055 2756707
time: mondaay, wednesday, friday: 9.AM - 1.PM - Tuesday, Thursday: 3.PM - 4.30.PM
online service to book a secretarial appointment

For information regarding the registration, it is also advisable to view the Manifesto degli Studi


For information on transfers from other graduate courses contact the delegate for orientation and tutoring: 

dott.ssa Giovanna Granieri didattica(AT) ; giovanna.granieri(AT)


Access requirements are set out in the CDLM "Regolamento Didattico" (italian language)

For enrollment, you must request the "nulla osta" through the "Domanda di valutazione per l'immatricolazione ai corsi di laurea magistrale italiano" ("Application for registration for enrollment in Italian master courses") by downloading the form on the following page: (italian language)


Appraisal application for enrollment in MA degree programs 

  • with didactic offer in Italian language (rtf - pdf)

Foreign students must attach a portfolio, transcript of exams and study programs.


The evaluation questions (also complete with the designation of examinations, ssd (scientific disciplinary sector) and CFU (no need to fill in the A.F. column) can be sent by mail to  It will be submitted to the Didactic Commission. The resolution of "nulla osta" will be sent you by email.

After obtaining the "nulla osta" the student will be able to proceed with the registration through the offices of the secretary students in Via Gino Capponi, 9 Firenze


The are not Deadlines for the submission of the application for assessment, except the time to release of the "nulla osta" of registration.

More info and deadlines for registration on Manifesto degli Studi: (in particular on page 20) (italian language)  (italian language)


Tutor of the Degree Course for Disabled Students:

prof. Fabio Lucchesi


Secretary's office:

dott.ssa Giovanna Granieri didattica(AT) ; giovanna.granieri(AT)


Degree Couerse I.T.C. Office:

dott. Tommaso Borghini





last update: 28-Apr-2022
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